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Alkuperäisen kielen valinta


Vechicle tiedot

vuosimallista: 2013
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    Code Osanumero Kpl Name Additional information PS
    1 30659640 1.00 KIT Quartz, IMS, Kit replaces MMS, CH -264999
    1 30659641 1.00 KIT Blonde, IMS, Kit replaces MMS, CH -264999
    2 30659564 1.00 JOHTOSARJA
    3 31419001 1.00 ANTURI IMS
    4 39814110 1.00 HATTU Quartz, FOR 30659640
    4 39814111 1.00 HATTU Blonde, FOR 30659641
    5 39801471 1.00 KANSI Takana
    6 30659410 1.00 Siren R.H.D, without level sensor
    6 30659409 1.00 Siren without level sensor, L.H.D
    6 30659412 1.00 Siren level sensor, R.H.D
    6 30659411 1.00 Siren level sensor, L.H.D
    7 985866 2.00 Laippa lukkomutteri M6
    8 30664425 1.00 Alarm nordic system To add software for car alarm, the Nordic countries. SW
    8 30664426 1.00 Alarm belgium system To add software for car alarm, Belgium. SW
    8 30664427 1.00 Alarm other systems To add software for car alarm, except Belgium and the Nordic countries. SW
    8 30664428 1.00 Levelsensor application To add software for level sensor. SW
    8 30664431 1.00 Level sensor remove To remove the "level sensor" function. SW
    8 30664430 1.00 Alarm remove To remove the "car alarm" function. SW
    8 30659645 1.00 Movement sensor appl To add the "movement sensor" function to the car alarm (IMS). SW
    8 30664432 1.00 Movement sensor remove To remove the "movement sensor" from the car alarm. SW