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Alkuperäisen kielen valinta
If the customer complaint is heater core "gurgle", please CHECK FOR THE PRESENCE of a flow restrictor in the heater core return line. This issue can be best defined as a "noise/rattle" heard at high engine RPM (3000 or greater) from the dash area.This restrictor is placed in the hose downstream of the heatercore. Please reference SB 07-001-02 for placement of the restrictor. The restrictor must be present in 3.3L vehicles without rear air and no Aux Engine Oil Cooler. If a restrictor is installed, allow at least 3 thermal cycles (hot/cold) to purge the air from the system. "Gurgle" will be present until all air is purged. ______________________________________ Contact Us at CAGRIS@Chrysler.com for feedback related to this GPOP Tech Tip. Please include the Part Number (s) and Tech Tip Part Description of the Tech Tip you are referencing for our tracking system.