Teksti on käännetty käyttämällä Google Translate online,siksi saa esintyä virheitä.Käännöksen alkuperäinen kieli on englanti,katsomaksi alkuperäistä vaihtaa kieli tässä.

Alkuperäisen kielen valinta


Code Osanumero DescriptionAjoneuvon tyyppi Series Moottorin BODY Transmission LEIKATA Kpl Tilalle Vaihtoehtoisia osia Yleissopimusten Service korjaus vinkkejä
1 68224011AA [JKA: Locking Glove Box], [GXK: 2 Additional Keys], UP TO 8/22/20162 L ERB EXG 02 DFB DG2 1
1 68238105AA [GXK: 2 Additional Keys], UP TO 8/22/20162 L ERB EXG 02 DFB DG2 1
1 68301759AA [JKA: Locking Glove Box], [GXK: 2 Additional Keys], UP TO 8/22/20162 3 L ERB EXG 02 04 05 32 34 DFB DG2 1
1 68301759AA [JKA: Locking Glove Box], [GXK: 2 Additional Keys], UP TO 8/22/20162 3 L ERB EXG 35 DFB DG2 1
1 68301761AA [GXK: 2 Additional Keys], UP TO 8/22/20161 2 3 L ERB EXG 11 12 13 16 17 DFB DG2 1
1 68301763AA [GXK: 2 Additional Keys], UP TO 8/22/20162 3 L ERB EXG 02 04 05 32 34 DFB DG2 1
1 68301763AA [GXK: 2 Additional Keys], UP TO 8/22/20162 3 L ERB EXG 35 DFB DG2 1
1 68355606AA [JKA: Locking Glove Box], [GXK: 2 Additional Keys], AFTER 8/22/20162 3 L ERB EXG 02 04 05 32 34 DFB DG2 1
1 68355606AA [JKA: Locking Glove Box], [GXK: 2 Additional Keys], AFTER 8/22/20162 3 L ERB EXG 35 DFB DG2 1
1 68355610AA [GXK: 2 Additional Keys], AFTER 8/22/20162 3 L ERB EXG 02 04 05 32 34 DFB DG2 1
1 68355610AA [GXK: 2 Additional Keys], AFTER 8/22/20162 3 L ERB EXG 35 DFB DG2 1
2 68236784AA [GXM: Remote Keyless Entry], [GXJ: 2 Regular, 1 Valet Keys], [JKA: Locking Glove Box]3 35 2
2 68236784AA [GXM: Remote Keyless Entry], [GXJ: 2 Regular, 1 Valet Keys]2 02 32 2
2 68236784AA [GXM: Remote Keyless Entry], [GXJ: 2 Regular, 1 Valet Keys], [JKA: Locking Glove Box]2 02 32 2
2 68236784AA [GXM: Remote Keyless Entry], [GXJ: 2 Regular, 1 Valet Keys]3 02 04 05 32 34 2
2 68236784AA [GXM: Remote Keyless Entry], [GXJ: 2 Regular, 1 Valet Keys], [JKA: Locking Glove Box]3 02 04 05 32 34 2
2 68236784AA [GXM: Remote Keyless Entry], [GXJ: 2 Regular, 1 Valet Keys]3 35 2
3 68236783AB 3 BUTTON[GXM: Remote Keyless Entry], [GXK: 2 Additional Keys], [JKA: Locking Glove Box]3 16 17 27 1
3 68236783AB 3 BUTTON[GXM: Remote Keyless Entry], [GXK: 2 Additional Keys], [JKA: Locking Glove Box]1 11 12 13 1
3 68236783AB 3 BUTTON[GXM: Remote Keyless Entry], [GXK: 2 Additional Keys], [JKA: Locking Glove Box]2 13 16 26 1
3 68236783AB 3 BUTTON[GXM: Remote Keyless Entry], [GXK: 2 Additional Keys]1 11 12 13 1
3 68236783AB 3 BUTTON[GXM: Remote Keyless Entry], [GXK: 2 Additional Keys]2 13 16 26 1
3 68236783AB 3 BUTTON[GXM: Remote Keyless Entry], [GXK: 2 Additional Keys]3 16 17 27 1
3 68236849AB 2 BUTTON[GXM: Remote Keyless Entry], [GXK: 2 Additional Keys], [JKA: Locking Glove Box]2 02 32 1
3 68236849AB 2 BUTTON[GXM: Remote Keyless Entry], [GXJ: 2 Regular, 1 Valet Keys], [JKA: Locking Glove Box]2 02 32 1
3 68236849AB 2 BUTTON[GXM: Remote Keyless Entry], [GXK: 2 Additional Keys], [JKA: Locking Glove Box]3 02 04 05 32 34 1
3 68236849AB 2 BUTTON[GXM: Remote Keyless Entry], [GXK: 2 Additional Keys], [JKA: Locking Glove Box]3 35 1
3 68236849AB 2 BUTTON[GXM: Remote Keyless Entry], [GXK: 2 Additional Keys]2 02 32 1
3 68236849AB 2 BUTTON[GXM: Remote Keyless Entry], [GXK: 2 Additional Keys]3 02 04 05 32 34 1
3 68236849AB 2 BUTTON[GXM: Remote Keyless Entry], [GXK: 2 Additional Keys]3 35 1
3 68236849AB 2 BUTTON[GXM: Remote Keyless Entry], [GXJ: 2 Regular, 1 Valet Keys], [JKA: Locking Glove Box]3 35 1
3 68236849AB 2 BUTTON[GXM: Remote Keyless Entry], [GXJ: 2 Regular, 1 Valet Keys]2 02 32 1
3 68236849AB 2 BUTTON[GXM: Remote Keyless Entry], [GXJ: 2 Regular, 1 Valet Keys]3 02 04 05 32 34 1
3 68236849AB 2 BUTTON[GXM: Remote Keyless Entry]2 02 32 1
3 68236849AB 2 BUTTON[GXM: Remote Keyless Entry], [GXJ: 2 Regular, 1 Valet Keys]3 35 1
3 68236849AB 2 BUTTON[GXM: Remote Keyless Entry], [JKA: Locking Glove Box]2 02 32 1
3 68236849AB 2 BUTTON[GXM: Remote Keyless Entry], [GXJ: 2 Regular, 1 Valet Keys], [JKA: Locking Glove Box]3 02 04 05 32 34 1
3 68365840AA 3 BUTTON U-HAUL, [GXM: Remote Keyless Entry], [JKA: Locking Glove Box], [XCR: Special Key Fob]1 12 1
3 68236849AB 2 BUTTON[GXM: Remote Keyless Entry], [JKA: Locking Glove Box]3 02 04 05 32 34 1
3 68236849AB 2 BUTTON[GXM: Remote Keyless Entry]3 35 1
3 68236783AB 3 BUTTON[GXM: Remote Keyless Entry]2 13 16 26 1
3 68236783AB 3 BUTTON[GXM: Remote Keyless Entry]3 16 17 27 1
3 68236783AB 3 BUTTON[GXM: Remote Keyless Entry]1 11 12 13 1
3 68236849AB 2 BUTTON[GXM: Remote Keyless Entry], [JKA: Locking Glove Box]3 35 1
3 68236849AB 2 BUTTON[GXM: Remote Keyless Entry]3 02 04 05 32 34 1
4 5066241AB [GXM: Remote Keyless Entry], [JKA: Locking Glove Box]2 02 32 1
4 5066241AB [GXM: Remote Keyless Entry], [GXK: 2 Additional Keys], [JKA: Locking Glove Box]1 11 12 13 1
4 5066241AB [GXM: Remote Keyless Entry], [GXK: 2 Additional Keys], [JKA: Locking Glove Box]2 13 16 26 1
4 5066241AB [GXM: Remote Keyless Entry], [GXK: 2 Additional Keys], [JKA: Locking Glove Box]3 16 17 27 1
4 5066241AB [GXM: Remote Keyless Entry], [GXK: 2 Additional Keys]1 11 12 13 1
4 5066241AB [GXM: Remote Keyless Entry], [GXK: 2 Additional Keys]2 13 16 26 1
4 5066241AB [GXM: Remote Keyless Entry], [GXK: 2 Additional Keys]3 16 17 27 1
4 5066241AB [GXM: Remote Keyless Entry], [JKA: Locking Glove Box]1 11 12 13 1
4 5066241AB [GXM: Kauko Avaimeton]2 13 16 26 1
4 5066241AB [GXM: Kauko Avaimeton]1 11 12 13 1
4 5066241AB [GXM: Kauko Avaimeton]3 16 17 27 1
4 5066241AB [GXM: Remote Keyless Entry], [JKA: Locking Glove Box]2 13 16 26 1
4 5066241AB [GXM: Remote Keyless Entry], [JKA: Locking Glove Box]3 16 17 27 1
4 5066241AB [GXM: Remote Keyless Entry], [JKA: Locking Glove Box], [XCR: Special Key Fob]1 12 1
4 5066241AB [GXM: Remote Keyless Entry], [GXK: 2 Additional Keys], [JKA: Locking Glove Box]2 02 32 1
4 5066241AB [GXM: Remote Keyless Entry], [GXK: 2 Additional Keys], [JKA: Locking Glove Box]3 02 04 05 32 34 1
4 5066241AB [GXM: Remote Keyless Entry], [GXK: 2 Additional Keys], [JKA: Locking Glove Box]3 35 1
4 5066241AB [GXM: Remote Keyless Entry], [GXK: 2 Additional Keys]2 02 32 1
4 5066241AB [GXM: Remote Keyless Entry], [GXK: 2 Additional Keys]3 02 04 05 32 34 1
4 5066241AB [GXM: Remote Keyless Entry], [GXK: 2 Additional Keys]3 35 1
4 5066241AB [GXM: Remote Keyless Entry], [GXJ: 2 Regular, 1 Valet Keys], [JKA: Locking Glove Box]2 02 32 1
4 5066241AB [GXM: Remote Keyless Entry], [GXJ: 2 Regular, 1 Valet Keys], [JKA: Locking Glove Box]3 02 04 05 32 34 1
4 5066241AB [GXM: Remote Keyless Entry], [GXJ: 2 Regular, 1 Valet Keys], [JKA: Locking Glove Box]3 35 1
4 5066241AB [GXM: Remote Keyless Entry], [GXJ: 2 Regular, 1 Valet Keys]3 35 1
4 5066241AB [GXM: Remote Keyless Entry], [GXJ: 2 Regular, 1 Valet Keys]3 02 04 05 32 34 1
4 5066241AB [GXM: Kauko Avaimeton]3 02 04 05 32 34 1
4 5066241AB [GXM: Kauko Avaimeton]3 35 1
4 5066241AB [GXM: Kauko Avaimeton]2 02 32 1
4 5066241AB [GXM: Remote Keyless Entry], [GXJ: 2 Regular, 1 Valet Keys]2 02 32 1
4 5066241AB [GXM: Remote Keyless Entry], [JKA: Locking Glove Box]3 02 04 05 32 34 1
4 5066241AB [GXM: Remote Keyless Entry], [JKA: Locking Glove Box]3 35 1
7 4727616AA 1 2 3 L ERB EXG 34 35 DFB DG2 1
7 4727616AA 1 2 3 L ERB EXG 02 04 05 11 12 DFB DG2 1
7 4727616AA 1 2 3 L ERB EXG 13 16 17 26 32 DFB DG2 1